
Showing posts from December, 2022


 Create a new React app and implement routing.


 Create simple User management app and perform                  1. Add a new User in AddUser component . ( userObj = { name:"xxx", email :"xxxx"} ) . Note: "username" should be unique . When we try to add new user, first it should check a user is already exists  . If username already exists , it should render"Duplicate username"in "AddUser" component.                 2.  Display Users list in a table ( UsersList component )                    2. Delete  an existing User from table ( Provide a separate delete button for each row ) NOTE: When a user is either added or removed, the User count( in UserCount component ) should reflect count of remaining users.


 Design the following Use registration form using CSS & Bootstrap. Apply the following validation rules. 1. All fields are required 2. Min length of "first_name " & "last_name"  field is 4 and max is 6 3. Phone number length should be 10 Note: The form can be submitted only if it passes  all validation rules mentioned.