Git commands


Configure git


git config  --global  “your username”

git config  --global  “your email”

Check config


git config

git config

Create git local repo


Folder is already created:

git init

Folder is not created yet:

git init folder-name

check status of folder


git status

Asking Git to track files(Staging env)


git add file-name(single file)

git add . (all files)

To remove from Staging env


git rm --cached file-name

Save version to git


git add .

git commit -m 'message'

View commits


git log

git log --oneline

Switch between commits


git checkout hash-id

To get lost commits


git reflog

git cherry-pick hash-of-previous commit



To check branches:

git branch

To create a new branch:

git branch branch-name

To switch to other branch:

git checkout branch-name

To delete a branch:

git branch -d branch-name

Merge branches


git merge branch-name

Remove branches


git branch -d branch-name


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